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 | Post date: 2015/07/20 | 

1- Issuing of temporary certificate of education: (At least one hour - Maximum one day):
* Be in the relevant area of knowledge
* Having the certificate of completing the plan or be exempt from the plan
* Having students' welfare fund license
* Having 10000 Rial stamp from national bank
* Copy of all pages of National and ID cards
* A 4 x 3 photograph

2- Issuing educational encyclopedia: (At least one business day - maximum of two business days)
* Be in the relevant area of knowledge
* Having the certificate of completing the plan or be exempt from the plan
* Having students' welfare fund license
* Having 10000 Rial stamp from national bank
* Copy of all pages of National and ID cards
* A photograph of 4 x 3
* Certificate of employment from the work place (Governmental background)
* Certificate of employment of Social Security Organization

3-Issuing GPA certification:
* Be in the relevant area of knowledge
* Student's written request and the required location

4- Issuing academic confirmation: ( one hour)
* Be in the relevant area of knowledge
* A request letter from work
* Having students' welfare fund license
* Having the certificate of completing the plan or be exempt from the plan

5- The process of issuing and delivering educational degree:
* Having the certificate of completing the plan or be exempt from the plan
* Having students' welfare fund license
* Permanent medical licenses for related fields
* Military Service Card or exemption from military service
* Copy of all pages of National and ID cards
* Two 4 x 3 photographs
* Certificate of employment from the work place
* 10000 Rial stamp from national bank
* inserting the license in the portal of educational deputy
* Print and review the authorization by the related expert
* approving the license by the chairman of the ECA
*Signature the license by director of education
* Delivering a copy of the license to beneficiary
* Encyclopedia Calligraphy
* Signature of university president as well as chairman of faculty
* Delivering to the beneficiary after receiving the receipt
* Writing certificate average with documents

6-Transfer forms:
A)Students studying at this university:
* Student request in faculty
* Discussing the student's request at the education council of faculty
* If approved, send the form to ECA
* Discussing the student's request at the education council of university
* Sending the signed form to the target university

B)Students studying at other universities:
* Submitting the student's request in the secretariat of the deputy
* Send the student's request for reviewing and comment to the relevant faculty
* Getting the comment from the faculty and discussing in the university council
* Announcement of agreement or disagreement to the Origin University

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